Friday 27 January 2012

the skinny curse

For those of you that did not know, it was Sandras birthday recently. So to celebrate i baked her a cake (i know were on a diet but its her BIRTHDAY)
Ill show you how here:

Yeh, its Charmander from Pokémon. Amazing i know.
Me, Sandra and some friends from work sat down on a saturday night to eat some cake and wish her a happy birthday. Then the next day me and sandra has a Pizza Hut pizza. (whoops). Non the less sandra had a good birthday.
Prior to her birthday she had lost 2kg and had a date with a guy, he stood her up. The day after we had pizza hut Sandra weighed herself. she had not only not lost any, but had gained weight! no surprise after the weekend. The joke of this is that, she then got a date with a different guy after she had gained weight. So WHAT? Guys dont like skinny girls??? what is this??

Lesson: Guys dont know what they want.

Get Skinny xxx

None of this post means anything to a boy. fuck sakes. 
means i have to stick to my diet....... urg!

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